After attending the training of trainers (TOT) by members from 10 Lao CSO FLEGT network, they conducted practical dissemination of forestry law and timber legality definition of smallholder plantation to local communities on 31st October and 1st November in Khammouane and Attapeu Provinces. The Lao Biodiversity Association (LBA) led the dissemination with support of GIZ-ProFEB.
The main objective of this dissemination was to apply the outreach skills learned from the TOT to practically use at local community level to effectively conduct outreach of forestry law and Lao timber legality assurance system (Lao TLAS) for local communities in the future. The dissemination has been very successful in terms of using skills, tools and equipment to involve local communities learning and digesting the outreach contents. Based on the results and lessons learned from this dissemination, the trainees will improve to effectively apply outreach in their real work to the local communities in the future.