On 1st and 2nd of November, the Lao National Chamber for Industry and Commerce (LNCCI) invited representatives from the Business Member Organisations (BMOs) related to the wood processing sector, the Department of Forest Inspection (DOFI) and the Department of Forest (DOF) to exchange on priorities for cooperation on the successful implementation of the Lao Timber Legality Assurance System (TLAS). The meeting was chaired by Dr. Xaybandith Rasphone and had been jointly prepared with key stakeholders during a workshop in Vientiane last month with support of GIZ-ProFEB.
On the first day, the discussion focussed on assessing current capacities, available resources and communication structures within LNCCI, the Lao Furniture Association (LFA) and the Lao Wood Processing Association (LWPA), as well as their work modalities with each other and with the relevant government organizations. The second day was dedicated to group work, which gave all participants the opportunity to discuss and plan activities that can further strengthen the national chamber and the BMOs, with the objective to provide better services and information to their member enterprises.
In the medium term, the implementation of those activities will enable LFA and LWPA to fulfil their role as business supporting institutions. Furthermore, the agreed activities and capacity building measures will ensure that private sector actors are well prepared to comply with the Lao TLAS, benefit from trading legal timber and wood products, as well as from improved market access.