Lao PDR considers the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Process (FLEGT) an important tool to improve forest governance and reduce illegal logging and trading in illegal timber. It promotes the protection and sustainable use of forest ecosystems and biodiversity in the country and thus supports Laos to meet its National Green Growth Strategy (NGGS).
FLEGT is a challenging process that requires long-term commitment from and good coordination among all relevant stakeholders. To achieve this, the Lao government has established FLEGT Standing Office (FSO) at the central level, to facilitate information exchange through regular communication and organization of meetings to update and strengthen all relevant stakeholders. In addition, FSO also coordinates and supports activities on provincial and national level. In parallel, Provincial FLEGT Standing Offices (PFSO) have been established particularly in the FLEGT pilot provinces Khammouan and Attapeu, where most of the FLEGT pilot activities are taking place.
PFSO seeks to ensure that FLEGT activities are regularly well implemented, by coordinating between local and central government, the private sector, civil society representatives and international FLEGT support project, and establish consensus on promoting FLEGT activities.
For the long-term implementation of FLEGT in Lao PDR, PFSO plays an important role to bring a seedling of FLEGT to the ground. Therefore, under financial and technical support by GIZ ProFEB, PFSO’s capacity will be strengthened, to become the centerpiece of FLEGT on provincial level.