IT training to enhance communication software skills in Khammouane

Dec 15, 2020 | News, Workshop

An IT training on communication software skills was conducted at the Provincial Office of Forestry Inspection (POFI) Khammouane Province from 12 to 13 November 2020.

A total of 15 participants attended the training, including participants from the Provincial Office of Forestry Inspection (POFI) Khammouane and Attapeu, the Provincial Industry and Commerce Office (PICO) and the Forestry Section of the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO).

The training aimed to develop and upgrade IT competences and skills related to communication software of FLEGT stakeholders in Khammouane and Attapeu province. In addition, the course is also intended to help improve the communication capabilities of provincial partner institutions, especially during the corona pandemic.

During the course of the training, which covered the topics (i) Video conference software, (ii) Email application software and (iii) Data file management, participants were given the opportunity to put into practice what they had learned in the theoretical session in small groups.

Mr. Sonexai Phomluangsy, Deputy Director of POFI Khammouane, stated at the end of the training that topics addressed will help participants to enhance their communication software skills and will support FLEGT provincial institutions to improve their communication capabilities.