A training course on the piloting of an important element of the Timber legality assurance system (TLAS) was conducted at the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office (PAFO) of Attapeu Province and field sites from 5 to 7 August 2020.
The training course was a follow-up of an introductory training in July 2020, aiming to further train government staff and staff from harvesting companies in the process, responsibilities and application of forms for the Supply Chain Control of timber from conversion areas. Supply Chain Control allows traceability of logs along the supply chain and prevents an inflow of timber from unknown sources. This is an important part of the TLAS being developed under the FLEGT VPA process (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade towards Voluntary Partnership Agreement).
The training was chaired by, Deputy Head of the Forestry Technical Standard Development Division (Department of Forestry) and Mr. Sangit Vongsena, Vice Head of the Provincial Forestry Section (PFS) Attapeu and included involved representatives from line forestry departments and offices as well as representatives from the logging companies.
Following the training course, an on-side coaching program was organized in Nam Kong 3 hydropower project in Attapeu from 10 to 11 August, 2020. Nam Kong 3 has been selected as piloting site as logging is currently taking place for the planned extension of the basin. The aim of the coaching sessions was to apply what has been learned in the training course under real conditions at felling site and at log landing I + II.
“I found the training course and the subsequent coaching program very useful for both Government and company staff. Overall, I am confident that I can apply supply chain procedures accordingly and be able to advise harvesting companies accordingly”, stated Mr. Xayyasak Khamphouvieng, Head of Forestry Unit, District of Agriculture and Forestry (DAFO, Phouvong district).